Fellow Bio
Mina (she/her) graduated in 2023 from UC Davis, where she received a B.S. in Environmental Science and Management and developed a passion for exploring the intersection of science and society. From fieldwork and data collection to writing and policy, she enjoys engaging in a multidisciplinary approach to advance environmental values. During her undergraduate career, she served as a Waterway Stewardship intern for the university’s arboretum, as well as a research assistant (and shepherd!) for the UC Davis Sheepmowers, a landscape design project examining the ecological and human wellness benefits of sheep grazing in urban greenspaces. She also participated in a US Forest Service project assessing wildfire mitigation and related ecosystem services in the California Wildland Urban Interface (WUI), and she ultimately wrote an honors thesis based on this data. For this upcoming service year, Mina is excited to return to the greater Los Angeles area and work with the City of Beverly Hills to advance its sustainability initiatives while learning the ins and outs of local government.