Simone Cordery-Cotter

Staff Bio

Colorado raised, Simone Cordery-Cotter got her start in corporate marketing and public relations, where she worked for advertising agencies and was the public relations director for Rudy Project North America. After 5 years in the for-profit industry, she looked longingly across the fence at the non-profit, cause-driven industry, and sought out AmeriCorps’ CivicSpark program as a vehicle to learn more about the role of small governments and nonprofits collaborating to combat global climate change on a local scale. Working for Sierra Business Council on the Sierra CAMP initiative and on Climate Planning and Energy strategies, Simone is thrilled to be a part of something vital, growing, and grassroots, and wants to help save the world, all while serving the triple bottom line.

As long as it’s outdoors, Simone is content doing it, whether it’s biking, running, snowboarding, or dog-walking. She loves obscure movies, and talking shop with craft brewers. On a regular Saturday, she can be found walking in the woods with her dog Freya, and working on nature-inspired fiber arts and paintings.

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