Meredith Thompson

Staff Bio

Meredith Thompson is the Water Project Manager for LGC’s Water Program. In addition to supporting all water-focused initiatives within LGC, Meredith coordinates the WE CAN project in Fresno, CA which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, water, and energy use through drought-tolerant landscape upgrades, and the Disadvantaged Community Involvement Program with The Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority, helping engage and educate local elected officials in the watershed about disadvantaged community issues. Meredith assists CivicSpark in annual recruitment efforts, and supports Water Fellows in their training and project work.

Meredith has worked with several environmental nonprofits in the Sacramento region, served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Peru from 2011-2013 working on local water issues, and has worked in many other disadvantaged communities around the world. Meredith holds a master’s degree in Public Administration and Environmental Policy from the University of Washington, and a BA in International Relations and Economics from Gonzaga University.

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