Lindsey McCandless

Staff Bio

Lindsey McCandless started out in academia studying ancient Mediterranean history and archaeology. (Yes, she can read hieroglyphs; no, aliens did not build the pyramids.) But while on excavations she became more interested in foodways in modern Middle Eastern communities and spent her free time learning how to ethically grow, distribute, and consume food in arid climates. After graduate school she turned her attention to food equity in the United States and began working on farms across the West to better understand food systems from the (literal) ground on up.

When she wasn’t digging irrigation trenches or weeding arugula beds, Lindsey also consulted for a startup focused on increasing electric mobility in the United States and for a nonprofit running international climate-education campaigns. She enjoys tackling big problems from a process perspective and is always thinking about how to improve workflows and information sharing.

Lindsey grew up on the East Coast but she is proud to call the California mountains her home. She loves to backpack in the Eastern Sierras and travel the world in her free time, and she has also been teaching herself Turkish.

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