2024-25 Southern California Project Page View

[FILLED] Implementing an Award-Winning General Plan: Equity, Climate Action, and Housing

Host: County of Ventura – Planning Division
Openings: 2
Project Focus: Affordable Housing, Climate Adaptation (e.g., sea level rise planning, environmental justice, climate migration planning), Climate Mitigation, Disaster Response and Preparedness / Emergency Management (e.g., flood prevention, wildfire prevention, coastal protection), Ecosystem / Habitat Conservation / Biodiversity Protection, Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, Urban Planning, Water Policy, Policy Planning
Skills Needed: Project Management, Research, Data Analysis, Data Collection,

Remote or On-Site Placement

Hybrid – we are open to Fellows serving a combination of remote and on-site work which can be discussed further as this application for two Fellows moves forward.

Service Needs & Plans

The County of Ventura adopted the 2040 General Plan in September 2020. There are over 700 goals, policies, and programs included in the General Plan that address a myriad of complex issues facing counties and cities in California, such as affordable housing, environmental justice, climate resilience, biological resources, energy and water resources, agricultural land conservation, and healthy communities, among others. In addition to the many innovative substantive policies and programs in the General Plan, the County has committed to annually report on the program implementation and GHG reduction efforts.

The County requests two Fellows to serve within the County’s Planning Division. This is a fast-paced work environment that requires flexibility and adaptability to varying project priorities. The Fellows will contribute to, and build capacity for, long-range planning projects within the Housing and State Mandates Section and the Area Plans and Resources Section. Each Section has been assigned the development and implementation of several programs related to farmworker housing, affordable housing regulations, biological resources, and an Area Plan update. The Fellows may be assigned a variety of roles such as preparing for and conducting public engagement workshops, attending stakeholder meetings with other agencies and the public, collecting and summarizing data–including GIS mapping, designing relational databases, developing biological educational materials for planning staff and applicants, conducting analyses of housing legislation and developing informational materials for the public and staff, and assisting in implementing housing programs.

One overarching goal of these projects is to assist County staff with the implementation of recently adopted General Plan programs. A second important goal is to build capacity through reporting procedures that will measure the progress made on program implementation, Climate Action Plan progress, and other housing and natural resource-oriented planning projects. Reporting procedures and tracking are needed to inform the Board of Supervisors and the public using a variety of techniques to reach all interested stakeholders, including those in disadvantaged communities.

Project Description

The Fellows will assist with updates to the County’s Area Plans, zoning ordinances, biological programs, and reports to decision-makers. These projects support equitable public participation, protect the environment, increase affordable housing development, plan for climate change and sea level rise adaptation, and conserve agricultural lands. Fellows will support three sections in the Planning Division with data gathering and reporting, research and report writing, (including GIS maps, tables, graphs, etc.), stakeholder outreach (e.g., fact sheets, website updates), and meeting organization and logistics related to the projects described below. Fellows will have the opportunity to work with consultants and technical experts.

One Fellow will support the Housing and State Mandates Section with the following projects related to the County’s adopted 2021-2029 Housing Element, which may include outreach and program implementation components:

  • Develop public information materials and homeowner tools for affordable housing, such as Accessory Dwelling Units and Junior Accessory Dwelling Units in the Coastal areas, special needs housing, etc.;
  • Analyze data and conduct research to prepare the state-mandated annual progress report for the State Office of Planning and Research (OPR) and State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD);
  • Review new state legislation and develop informational materials for the public, Planning Division, and other agencies;
  • Conduct research and assist in development of a possible application for the State’s Prohousing Designation Program,;
  • Review County-initiated capital improvement projects for conformity with the General Plan and zoning ordinances;
  • Assist with preparation of the County’s annual action plan pursuant to HUD funding requirements;
  • Research options for implementing a program allowing the County and neighboring cities to share their regional housing allocation; and
  • Research options for adding new housing types into the County’s ordinances.

One Fellow will support the Area Plans and Resources Section with the following projects:

  1. Facilitate the development and implementation of one or more of the following projects:
    1. In-Lieu Fee Habitat Mitigation Program and Fee Adjustment Study;
    2. County-State Parks Mitigation Program for Coastal Sensitive Habitats;
    3. Locally Important Species and Qualified Biologist Program updates
    4. Sea Level Rise policy and zoning updates,
    5. El Rio Area Plan update
    6. Environmental Document Review
    7. Renewable Energy Program Ordinance Amendments
    8. Interagency Coordination for developing Pesticide Reduction and Prohibition Regulations for the Santa Monica Mountains Region;
    9. Interjurisdictional Beach Management Plan for Hollywood and Silverstrand Beaches;
  2. Develop materials related toenvironmentally sensitive habitat areas, parks and opens space zones, and renewable energy ordinances. Such materials may include:
    1. Templates and guidance documents for biological assessments, restoration plans, , off-site mitigation areas, and vegetation management plans in the Santa Monica Mountains;
    2. Fact sheets and outreach materials for passive and active parks;
    3. Online, self-service relational database for the Qualified Biologist Program
  3. Support and help facilitate trainings for planners and consulting biologists on requirements for the inventory and regulation of biological resources.
  4. Attend local and regional meetings to learn about natural resource issues and projects.

Both Fellows may support the General Plan Implementation Section with the following projects:

  1. Update County guidelines used to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act and to identify potential environmental impacts of proposed development projects;
  2. Assist in development of alternative energy programs, including green building techniques and energy efficiency incentive programs;
  3. Conduct public engagement efforts (e.g., workshops, stakeholder meetings, website updates) for General Plan programs including, but not limited to, energy programs and disadvantaged communities;
  4. Assist in the preparation of County-initiated General Plan amendments and new web-based reports showing compliance with General Plan programs, including those related to climate action.

Desired Skills

The ideal Fellows will be skilled in research methods, writing, and be comfortable interacting with and assisting the public. Project management skills are also desirable. Fellows will also possess a strong ability to synthesize and summarize technical information for the public and decision-makers and feel comfortable working both as a team member and independently. Experience with, knowledge of, and an interest in climate action programs, agricultural issues, environmental justice, and resilient development are desired. It is anticipated that some portion of community engagement may be bilingual (English/Spanish) and ability to speak Spanish is a plus. The ability to use GIS software is a plus, as is experience using Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

Organization & Workplace Highlights

The County of Ventura is the second largest employer in the county with more than 8,000 employees in 26 agencies and departments. The Fellows will be serving in the Resource Management Agency’s Planning Division, which provides land use and planning services within unincorporated County areas. Fellows will each be assigned to the Housing and State Mandates Section, and Area Plans and Resources Section. In addition to reviewing, updating, and maintaining the County’s Zoning Ordinances to be consistent with State law and County policy, the Housing and State Mandates Section and the Area Plans and Resources Section are also tasked respectively with implementing housing related programs in the County’s 2021-2029 Housing Element, and updating and maintaining the County’s Area Plans. The General Plan includes programs that focus on environmental justice and equity, diversity, and inclusion such as, but not limited to Planning Division environmental justice guidelines, as well as prioritizing public engagement, infrastructure improvement, and climate resilience in disadvantaged communities.

The Division provides a supportive environment with a strong foundation for mentoring Fellows, encouraging Fellows to lead projects through initial project development, implementation, problem-solving, and reporting. Additionally, Fellows will have first-hand experience working in a professional, fast-paced environment where adaptability and flexibility are critical to managing frequently changing project priorities. Fellows will also gain skills in project management, policy research, technical writing, and public speaking, working both independently and in a team setting. Fellows will be mentored and given tools to highlight their developed skills in interviews and on resumes through practice interviews and professional support when deciding next steps.

Community Highlights

Ventura County is situated along the central California coast between Los Angeles and Santa Barbara counties. The population is approximately 850,000, yet many of the cities within the county retain a small-town feel. Ventura County is the gateway to the Channel Islands National Park and Marine Sanctuary which is home to endangered species, sensitive habitats, and historic shipwrecks. The Los Padres National Forest within Ventura County offers hiking and camping, while the Santa Monica Mountains along the coast offer mountain biking, hiking, and amazing ocean views. Ventura County is the strawberry capital of the state and is home to some of California’s top beaches, championship golf courses, wine tasting, world-class dining, year-round whale watching, and a variety of recreational activities.

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