[FILLED] Municipal Energy Efficiency Planning and Evaluative Site Mapping for Alternative Fuel Sites
Host: City of Riverside – Office of Sustainabiliy
Openings: 1
Project Focus: Climate Adaptation (e.g., sea level rise planning, environmental justice, climate migration planning), Climate Mitigation, Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, Transportation / Mobility
Skills Needed: Project Management, Research, Data Analysis, Technical Writing,
Remote or On-Site Placement
Service Needs & Plans
The fellow will work with the City of Riverside to identify citywide areas of opportunity for electric vehicle (EV) and alternative fuels infrastructure that would further enable EV adoption across the City, as well as, evaluating City building stock and upcoming construction projects for infrastructure opportunities to create more sustainable, healthy, and efficient structures.
Project Description
The Fellow will assist to map and establish parameters for EV infrastructure development to help lower GHG emissions and increase air quality for the City. The Fellow will also work to evaluate public buildings, their design & operations, for opportunities in environmental leadership in existing building stock. Outcomes will be recommendations on site locations for EV and alternative fuels infrastructure based on specified criteria, and recommendations for projects and programs that can benefit current public building stock and set a template for future municipal development standards.
Desired Skills
Management and analysis of large datasets. The ability to produce policy guidance for large and complex projects. The ability to work with high level managers and elected officials.
Organization & Workplace Highlights
Riverside is a full service city with a population of 317,000 people and 2300 employees. The Office of Sustainability is a 4-member division that develops and implements sustainability policies and projects across 12 City departments. The Office of Sustainability is a subset of the City Manager’s Office. The Office of Sustainability is a high-level policy implementer for a large city and will give the Fellow valuable experience in learning how policy is developed and implemented across large and diverse groups of departments, divisions, and staff members.
Community Highlights
Riverside is a historic citrus community and home to the University of California at Riverside. The City grew up on citrus and later as a postwar hub of development that complimented the Southern California Region. Riverside is remarkably diverse and is a majority Latino city. The City serves as the Riverside County seat; a county as large as the state of New Jersey. Within two hours of beaches, deserts, mountains, and a variety of urban and suburban cities, Riverside is a great nexus of experiences and activities that will surprise any prospective Fellow!