The Transformative Climate Communities (TCC)
Host: Riverside County Housing and Workforce Solutions
Openings: 1
Project Focus: Climate Adaptation (e.g., sea level rise planning, environmental justice, climate migration planning), Climate Mitigation
Skills Needed: Facilitation, Research, Environmental Justice, Workforce Development,
Remote or On-Site Placement
Service Needs & Plans
The Transformative Climate Communities (TCC) Program empowers the communities most impacted by pollution to choose their own goals, strategies, and projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and local air pollution.
Project Description
Our project tackles environmental injustice by addressing the needs of disadvantaged communities disproportionately impacted by pollution, poverty, and health disparities. We equip residents with the skills they need for green careers, fostering healthier, safer, and more sustainable neighborhoods.
Building a Greener Future, Together
Our fellow will join our team in delivering impactful programs:
- GRID Alternatives Energy Efficiency Training Program: This program empowers residents to become home energy efficiency experts, saving money and reducing energy use in their communities.
- MC3 Training: Pre-apprenticeship to Building Trades: This program equips individuals with the foundational skills to launch careers in the green building sector, boosting the local economy.
- UCR Extension Next Gen Farming Project: This project cultivates a new generation of sustainable farmers, fostering healthier food options and a more resilient local food system.
- Impact Where it Matters Most
Our overarching goal is to create a significant positive impact. We aim to:
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change.
- Strengthen local economies by creating green jobs and supporting local businesses.
- Improve public health by promoting environmental cleanup and access to healthy food.
- Foster a more sustainable future for all, particularly in disadvantaged communities.
Desired Skills
This fellowship is a great opportunity for recent college graduates to develop their skills and gain valuable experience in our field. We value intellectual curiosity, a strong work ethic, and a willingness to learn.
Organization & Workplace Highlights
The Riverside County Workforce Development Board (WDB) provides oversight for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) programs in the county. The WDB acts as a catalyst to provide seamless services among various workforce programs and provides community leadership around workforce issues. At the WDB, we foster a supportive and inclusive workplace culture while championing professional development opportunities. Our commitment to justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion ensures everyone thrives.
Community Highlights
Disadvantaged communities in Riverside, California likely face challenges like:
- Lower income: These communities probably have a median household income below 80% of the statewide average.
- Limited opportunities: Residents may have less access to good jobs, quality education, and healthcare.
- Environmental burdens: These areas may be disproportionately affected by pollution or have limited access to green spaces.
The city itself acknowledges these issues and has been implementing policies and has reallocated resources to advance programs to effectively address these challenges.