Finish Line

October Great Story by Victoria Hernandez, Bay Area Climate Fellow   Can I survive? I’ve committed to an opportunity, both challenging and rewarding; time to thrive. All uncertainty aside, this is part of being alive. Feeling the rush of crazy schedules and idle moments as I work this 8 to 5. Only you know why…

Saying a Goodbye

August Great Story by Catherine Campbell-Orrock, Bay Area Fellow I just want to tell you how I’m feeling: finishing up CivicSpark is surreal. For many of the fellows, this is our first full time job. The continuity, the forty hour week–it was all coaxing me into this sense of belonging, like it was going to last…

Words to CivicSpark

August Great Story by Savannah Speerstra, 2015-16 Central Coast Fellow The CivicSpark year has now come to an end Starting a new job is just around the bend Resume complete, ready to send Hopefully many interviews to attend Trying to find my path in life Hopefully my next steps are not full of strife Maybe,…

The Right Path

July Great Story by Jamie Zouras, 2015-16 North Coast Fellow In high school, I remember being overwhelmed by having to choose a Major as I applied for college. How was I supposed to know what field I would be happy working in for the rest of my life?! Often, family members would try to offer guidance: “Choose…

Amazing SLO

July Great Story by Katie Webster, Central Coast Fellow San Luis Obispo is an incredibly progressive town. The city government has banned drive thrus, plastic bags, Styrofoam, and the legislature has essentially created a tobacco-free space for its citizens. Bike lanes line every street that isn’t a designated bike boulevard or bike path. San Luis…


Story by Melanie Chu, 2014-15 CivicSpark Alumna, Sacramento Region Around this point last year, I was going through all the contemplative “what ifs” that had been jumbling in my head – a typical existential crisis period for all 20-somethings. I was mostly anxious about what will happen after CivicSpark ends, as most of you are…

The Water-Energy Nexus

June Great Story by Arya Moalemi, Southern California Fellow “When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe.” John Muir is quoted as saying this, or something similar. This quote was found via the Sierra Club, and I would expect that they would have the…

GRID Alternatives Solar Install

June Great Story by Gilian Corral, Bay Area South Fellow It’s 8:22 AM and the sky is cool and clear. I park my Prius across the street from the GRID Alternatives work site. I’d carefully selected my outfit the night before to maximize comfort and sun protection: jeans I’d be ok ruining, tennis shoes, light…

Summer Vibes in the Sierra

June Great Story by Alyssa Collins, Sierra Nevada Fellow Warm weather, hikes, and barbecues. It is that time of the year. One of the best times of the year in the Sierra is the summer, and there’s nothing like going into the start of summer. For the 4 years that I was in college, I…


Story by Zenia Montero, 2014-15 CivicSpark Alumna, San Joaquin Valley Region I served in the inaugural class of CivicSpark as an AmeriCorps Fellow in the Central Valley of California from October 2014 to September 2015.  During my service year, I learned so much about the Central Valley and I became passionate about addressing the environmental…
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