March Great Story

March Great Story by Anna Fessler-Hoffman, 2018-19 Bay Area Climate Fellow 4 months. We only have 4 months of CivicSpark left! The past couple of months have definitely been a turning point for me, professionally. I am doing the CivicSpark service work that we agreed upon when I first started at the City, and doing…

A Shift from Housing to Homelessness (Or a Confluence of the Two)

March Great Story by Reid Miller, 2018-19 Central Inland Opportunity Access Fellow Thus far in my time here at Placer County, my work has been focused mostly on clearing the way for development of affordable housing (although in most instances, it feels like clearing the way for development in general, which is fine in some…

The Two Things People Hate Most

March Great Story by Sam Ruderman, 2018-19 Sacramento and Sierra Climate Fellow         A couple of weeks ago, I attended the Shared Mobility Policy & Modeling Workshop hosted by the Local Government Commission and UC Berkeley’s Transportation Sustainability Research Center. It was a full-day event consisting of interactive workshops with industry experts, and regional and…

Inspiration and Guidance in February

February Great Story by Jessica Cervantes, 2018-19 Greater Los Angeles Climate Fellow For the past two months of December and January, my service project felt a bit slow as we worked to onboard project partners. But, February was different. It was super busy and productive. February 1st kicked off with welcoming two new staff members…

February Great Story

February Great Story by Andrew Hatt, 2018-19 Central Inland Climate Fellow In the run up to Mid-Year Gathering, I was honestly conflicted about how to feel about the whole thing, and whether I even wanted to go or not. I had been looking forward to it all year, but then after seeing the schedule, I…

An Alley-Oop for Nature

February Great Story by Matthew Kubasak, 2018-19 Sacramento Climate Fellow At Saint Augustine High School, I heard a lot about the namesake. His most interesting story is about wandering a beach full of dying starfish after a terrible storm had washed them ashore. Augustine saw a kid running around throwing the starfish into the ocean.…

Community Workshop in Albany

January Great Story by Lizzie Carrade, 2018-19 Bay Area Climate Fellow Right around 6:59pm on January 16, the City of Albany Council Chambers was filled with community members eager to learn more about and participate in the planning process for the City’s Climate Action and Adaptation Plan, “CAP 2.0”. As my site supervisor and I…

When Will I Move Mountains?

December Great Story by Naomi Lopez, 2018-19 Central Inland Opportunity Access Fellow Moved by Mountains; When Will I Move Mountains? I was excited to be back in Southern California and close to my family and to get out of this NorCal weather. I should be used to it by now, but every year it?s the same…

Count Down

December Great Story by Sierra Huffman, 2018-19 North Coast Climate Fellow Count Down Dancing in the night, Before the year comes to an end, Rewind the clock,To where the month began,Nose to the grindstone, And face towards the screen, Researching, Accounting, And writing summaries, I know so much more,Than I did at the startAll the months hard work Has carried me here,Dancing till the…

New Year New Way of Thinking

December Great Story by Marjan Kris Abubo, 2018-19 Greater Los Angeles Water Fellow I wipe the sweat off my brow and stare into the distance so I could readjust my eyesight after staring at a small plot of weeds I had been pulling for the past thirty minutes. For the past couple months, I’ve been volunteering…
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