Count Down

December Great Story by Sierra Huffman, 2018-19 North Coast Climate Fellow Count Down Dancing in the night, Before the year comes to an end, Rewind the clock,To where the month began,Nose to the grindstone, And face towards the screen, Researching, Accounting, And writing summaries, I know so much more,Than I did at the startAll the months hard work Has carried me here,Dancing till the…

New Year New Way of Thinking

December Great Story by Marjan Kris Abubo, 2018-19 Greater Los Angeles Water Fellow I wipe the sweat off my brow and stare into the distance so I could readjust my eyesight after staring at a small plot of weeds I had been pulling for the past thirty minutes. For the past couple months, I’ve been volunteering…

Back in the IE

November Great Story by Mairany Anaya, 2018-19 Inland Empire Climate Fellow Recently, a co-worker and I were having a conversation about what we wanted to be when we were growing up. When it was my turn to answer the question, I replied with “I wanted to be a chef in the 6th grade for reasons…

November Great Story

November Great Story by Sarah Risher, 2018-19 Sacramento and Sierra Climate Fellow It started raining as we drove into Paradise. In place of traffic lights and stop signs, National Guards directed the vehicles coming in and out of the incinerated town. The roads were lined with crews tagging and removing trees that posed any risk…

Annabel Drayton

Annabel was raised in Pennsylvania and moved to California to serve as a CivicSpark Fellow in the 2017-2018 cohort. After her time as a Fellow, Annabel continued working with the Ventura County Regional Energy Alliance where she’s focused on developing strategies that help the region transition to a clean energy future. She graduated from Penn…

Passing on the Torch of Environmental Justice

October Great Story by Edgar Barraza, 2018-19 Bay Area Climate Fellow I would like to first thank Oceane and Elizabeth for the car ride to Bart and giving me the empowerment to write this great story. This great story is something you might not expect as its draws its empowerment from systemic oppression, drawing its…

October Story

October Great Story by Micah Houston, 2018-19 Central Inland Opportunity Access Fellow When I got the unlikely email in October that I had passed the screening phase of the United Nations Young Professional Program and had been convoked to take the first written exam, I was thrilled! This is a program which is only open…

Samantha Rosenbaum

Samantha Rosenbaum was a CivicSpark Climate Fellow at the City of Santa Monica’s Office of Sustainability and the Environment during the 2016-2017 service year. Samantha is currently a Project Manager at Hubject, a Santa Monica-based start-up that focuses on simplifying the electric vehicle public charging experience through an EV charging interoperability platform. Samantha graduated from University of…

Sarah Kuo

Sarah Kuo was a 2017-18 CivicSpark Fellow in the Central Valley where she served the City of Ceres Department of Public Works and the City of Huron Mayor’s Office. She worked on a variety of water issues, GIS projects, and restorative justice initiatives. Prior to her service year, Sarah graduated from the University of the…

Lizzie Carrade

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Carrade is a Sustainability Coordinator for the City of Albany, where she works on various projects including climate action planning, solid waste and recycling programming and outreach, and disaster preparedness initiatives.   As a 2018-2019 CivicSpark Climate Fellow with the City of Albany, Lizzie led the community engagement efforts for the City’s Climate Action…
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