Marina Deligiannis

Marina proudly serves as the Deputy Water Resources Director for the Lake County Water Resources Department and Watershed Protection District located in Lakeport, CA. As Deputy Director, Marina is tasked with overseeing the day to day operations of watershed management programs, projects, and outreach throughout her favorite watershed, the Clear Lake Watershed! Marina graduated in…

Simone Cordery-Cotter

Colorado raised, Simone Cordery-Cotter got her start in corporate marketing and public relations, where she worked for advertising agencies and was the public relations director for Rudy Project North America. After 5 years in the for-profit industry, she looked longingly across the fence at the non-profit, cause-driven industry, and sought out AmeriCorps’ CivicSpark program as…

Marisa Perez-Reyes

Hailing from Virginia, Marisa drove across the country in her Honda Fit to serve as a (2018-2019) CivicSpark Water Fellow at the Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority (SAWPA). Situated in the heart of the Inland Empire, Marisa and her co-fellow Brian Keener worked on the Disadvantaged Communities Involvement (DCI) Program. Part of the larger, statewide…

Bryan Iwamoto

Bryan Iwamoto is a Senior Project Coordinator with The Energy Coalition located in their Irvine office. He supports the project delivery team with the public agency program delivery process, including project identification, proposal and incentive applications, agency relationship management, submission of utility Installation Reports, and project sign-off for the Southern California Regional Energy Network. As…

Kendyl Churchman

Before her CivicSpark Fellowship, Kendyl completed a corporate leadership program and worked in Texas as a Labor and Operations Manager. During her AmeriCorps placement at the County of Santa Barbara, Kendyl collaborated across County departments and environmental organizations. Her projects involved California’s Green Business Program, utility bill centralization, and residential energy efficiency. Kendyl is passionate…

Skylar Johnson

Skylar is currently a Sustainability Specialist for UC Davis Student Housing and Dining Services where she manages sustainability education and engagement programs for Student Housing residents, and large waste-diversion initiatives during residence hall move-in and move-out.  Before joining UC Davis, she served as a CivicSpark fellow at the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District. As…

Aaron Dickenson

Aaron is the water program associate at the S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation. Prior to his work with the Foundation, Aaron worked with Water Education for Latino Leaders, an LA-based non-profit that focuses on educating local elected officials on California water policy, where he was placed as a CivicSpark Water Action Fellow.  His volunteer work…

Lynna Ohanian

Lynna currently manages Clean Air Programs at Climate First: Replacing Oil & Gas (CFROG), following her AmeriCorps placement with the organization. She graduated from UC Berkeley in 2018 with a major in Environmental Sciences and a minor in Sustainable Design. Her current work continues her CivicSpark project and focuses on implementing a grant program funded…

Tim Mok

Tim Mok is the Program Implementation Manager and initially served as the Southern California Regional Coordinator.  Tim has 8+ years of experience in the resiliency field where he worked on philanthropic collaboration advocated for environmental justice policies led environmental education and service learning workshops and served as an AmeriCorps member.He’s also an interim board member…

Beautiful Nowhere Place

April Great Story by Ayelet Zamek, 2018-19 Central Coast Water Fellow Yellow. Orange. Another kind of orange. After a wet winter, driving down Highway 58 in April turns into an elementary-style exercise in knowing one’s colors. Purple. Blue. More yellow.  Even the most responsible divers, AAA cards tucked in the sun visor, would be distracted…
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