Arlin Benavidez

Arlin is focused on environmental and community outreach work. Early in his childhood, he had opportunities to engage in volunteer work around outreach and providing community residents in multiple communities around Marin County, CA, the resources that support healthy quality lives. These experiences sparked a genuine interest in public service, which led Arlin to study…

Naomi Lopez

Naomi Lopez was working for the County of Orange as an Affordable Housing Specialist in their Housing and Community Development Department. Her role was to push for affordable housing to be expanded throughout the region by taking a regional approach at a local and legislative level. The main responsibilities were project management and tracking, interpreting…

Emily Ontiveros

Emily Ontiveros is pursuing her Master’s in Landscape Architecture at the University of New Mexico. She plans to focus her research on river restoration design through equitable, watershed-based approaches to stewardship. As a 2019-2020 CivicSpark Fellow, Emily served with the California Department of Water Resources in Sacramento. She worked within the Office of the Tribal…

Sam Ruderman

Sam currently works for Ascent Environmental in the Lake Tahoe region. As a Climate Change Analyst, he primarily works with local governments and other public agencies on climate mitigation and resiliency projects, which include greenhouse gas emissions inventories and forecasts, climate action plans, and climate adaptation plans. Sam strengthened his skills with these types of…

Lauren Mae Sugay

In 2019-2020, Lauren served as a Climate Fellow with the Butte County Department of Development Services to set up a framework that would allow community members and other stakeholders to collaborate for climate change adaptation and mitigation policies for the unincorporated areas of Butte County. There she focused heavily on close engagement with various community…

Jesus Benavides

Jesus Benavides is a Regional Coordinator for the new California Climate Action Corps program. He joins us from the South Los Angeles Transit Empowerment Zone (SLATE-Z) where he served as a partnership coordinator. He managed the SLATE-Z partnership consisting of 72 public, private, and community-based organizations dedicated to revitalizing South Los Angeles. He also led…

Abby Edwards

Abby Edwards is the Operations and Development Manager for the Local Government Commission’s CivicSpark. In this dynamic role, she oversees the day-to-day operations, interfaces with partners and AmeriCorps members, and conducts regular monitoring and evaluation. Prior to working at the LGC, Abby served in the Peace Corps as a Sustainable Agriculture volunteer in southeastern Senegal.…

Atley Keller

Atley Keller serves as a Project Manager for LGC’s water program. She joined LGC in 2016 as a Project Coordinator. She serves as the lead for several integrative water projects at LGC. Atley has a passion for California water issues and has previously worked on water quality and watershed management projects at an environmental consulting…

Delaney King

Delaney works for CEA Consulting as a Research Associate with the Environmental Policy & Advocacy practice, helping to provide strategic consulting services to address environmental challenges and opportunities for the private, public, and non-profit sectors. Before joining CEA, Delaney spent her CivicSpark service year with the City of San Leandro, working on a variety of…

Stephanie Cadena

Stephanie Cadena is a regional environmental planner with the Gateway Cities Council of Governments (COG), located in her hometown of Southeast Los Angeles. Stephanie provides general planning support to the COG’s member cities in the areas of air quality/climate, housing & homelessness, and transportation. Prior to her current planning role, she served as a split…
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