Carbon, Communities, and a Conference

May Great Story by Jill Sanford, Sierra Nevada Fellow There are numerous professional reasons to participate in CivicSpark, but I have to say one of the most significant ways it has impacted my personal life has been to cause me to think more about my own impact on the environment. This is something I have…

The Community

May Great Story by Mikael Matossian, Los Angeles Fellow Over the course of the past month, I have had the delight of meeting and working with Climate Action Santa Monica (CASM), a locally based, grassroots organization dedicated to activating the Santa Monica community to take action on climate change. It is a small but tough…

Municipal Zero-Net Energy Financing

May Great Story by Benjamin Silverman, Bay Area South Fellow  In the month of May, one of my chief ongoing tasks was working on the USDN financial scan factsheets. This was related to a program the Urban Sustainability Directors Network is coordinating of attempting to connect municipalities with financial institutions to help fund local sustainability…

From the District of Columbia to Colombia, South America

May Great Story by Abigail Huvard, Los Angeles Fellow May has thus far been my most exciting month while in CivicSpark. From the Better Buildings Challenge Summit in Washington D.C. to spending a week in Medellín, Colombia with friends and family – I doubt the rest of my time in CivicSpark can top it (but…

Greg Jones

Greg Jones is the Sierra Business Council’s Vice President of Operations. His responsibilities include implementation of programmatic priorities to ensure quality and timeliness, as well as overseeing the financial and administrative functions of the organization. Greg has a diverse career background in sustainability, manufacturing processes, procurement, financial and economic analysis, customer service, marketing and sales,…

Good Things Will Come

Story by Stephen Luther, 2014-15 CivicSpark Alum, North Coast Region It’s December and I am feeling the stress of the job search, having exhausted all the temporary work since my service ended in September. Scanning the AmeriCorps site listings for all states under the “Environment” service area (cast a broad net, right?), I stumble across…

Next Steps

 Story by Anna Johnson, 2014-15 CivicSpark Alumna, Central Coast Region In the last few months since finishing up my service year with CivicSpark, I have gone to a climate conference, continued to network, applied to jobs and even had a few very comfortable interviews. Ultimately, though, I have decided to go back to school. I…

That Which is Beautiful

April Great Story by Clifford Wang, Bay Area Fellow “Keep your faith in all beautiful things; in the sun when it is hidden, in the Spring when it is gone.” – Roy R. Gilson So a few questions beckon: is Spring beautiful? Hmm…. I guess so? Let’s ignore the allergies. Flowers are blooming, birds are…

Between a Rock and an AmeriCorps Year

April Great Story by Lora Elliott, Sacramento Fellow AmeriCorps is hard. That may be stating the obvious, but the obvious makes it no less true. This comes at the heels of what may be considered the ‘low point’ of my service year in AmeriCorps. In the past month, my car was given an official diagnosis…


April Great Story by Kelly Ryan, Southern California Fellow I ran through the options as to why my alarm was blaring loudly while it was still dark outside. Work? My second Job? Practice? (Still a habit from my college days). I then realized the day that I had spent hours and hours stressing about and…
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