Photo courtesy of Joan Cusick
May Great Story by Cassandra Miller, 2017-18 Central Inland Water Fellow
Over 1,000 visitors explored Soil Born Farms during what’s become a regional favorite event, “A Day on the Farm.” Soil Born annually coordinates this event to celebrate the seasonal opening of their farm stand and allow visitors a chance to learn more about the farm and its surrounding environment, eat local food, play, and create.
The Water Forum hosted a booth at Farm Day, to highlight Cordova Creek and emphasize its abundant resources and unique history. As you might recall, from 2014-2017 the Water Forum collaborated with multiple organizations, including Soil Born, to naturalize Cordova Creek which had previously been a cement-lined drain. Though only a year since completion, the native plants continue to grow and mature, and a charismatic beaver has built a dam and made Cordova Creek its home. Though the Water Forum and Sacramento County Regional Parks are coordinating the maintenance in the early years, Soil Born Farms is poised to be the stewards of the creek.
In addition to raising awareness of the creek, the Fellows led a children’s rock painting booth. The perpetually crowded booth soon became enveloped in rocks of all colors and designs – unicorns, basketballs, marbleized, narwhals, and more! They were able to paint rocks to keep and to donate to Cordova Creek. Since Cordova Creek is only a year old, many of the plants are still quite young. To ensure that they grow big and strong, we want to make sure that they are visible. The rocks that the community helped decorate will be placed around the native plants as a border. The colorful, painted rocks will make them stand out so that they do not get accidentally stepped upon, pulled out, or mowed.
Next time you visit Cordova Creek, be on the look out for colorful rocks sprinkled along the trail!