April Great Story by Phillip Tran, Bay Area Climate Fellow

As I left Mid-Year Gathering at the end of March, a fellow asked me to describe my experience that past week in five words, words that I feel to some extent can describe my service year thus far.

Those words are humbled, inspired, confused, rejuvenated, and fortunate.

I am humbled by the power of motivated and impassioned people in the world doing work that they believe is bigger than themselves. People come into this fight because they are fighting for what they believe in, and brings me back to why I began my journey and why I joined this fight.

I am inspired by all things sustainable happening in the great state of California across the various cities, counties, and other entities. Although it can be hard to remain positive about what is happening to the environment around the world and in our country, I am confident that powerful work is happening here in California. Hearing from all the fellows around the state and the work they are doing, I feel reassured that all this work is not in vain.

I am confused where I fit with all these moving parts and where I can be most effective in creating change while remaining true to myself. Although I have thoroughly enjoyed my time during this opportunity, I have also questioned whether I am best suited for the work I am doing now or fighting the good fight from a different angle.

I am rejuvenated by how much fun I have had getting to know everyone in this cohort, as well as the various people in local government. sometimes it can be easy to get pulled in to the work and forget to have fun along the way. It was nice to be able to relax and reflect during Mid-Year Gathering weekend and throughout my service year.

And lastly, I am fortunate, to have the opportunity to make this world a better place every day. Not everyone can feel like they are working towards something they believe in. Although sometimes it can take a while for positive change to create an impact, I know that even having the opportunity to do so, is a blessing in itself!

Keep calm and green on! What 5 words would you use to describe your work?

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