Words to CivicSpark

August Great Story by Savannah Speerstra, 2015-16 Central Coast Fellow

The CivicSpark year has now come to an end
Starting a new job is just around the bend
Resume complete, ready to send
Hopefully many interviews to attend

Trying to find my path in life
Hopefully my next steps are not full of strife
Maybe, first, I will take a break with wildlife

Before I commit my days
To hours full of writing essays
Working to get praise
And living in a professional maze

Nevertheless, I am excited to commit
Ready to make it
Never going to quit

Doing what I can to help the benefit of society
Making sure the Earth maintains its variety
Just want to help, not looking for notoriety
Not doing my part would give me anxiety

I plan to use what this program has taught
Give the meaning of my work true thought
And doing for the environment what I ought
Living the dream that I have always sought

Thank you CivicSpark and LGC
For helping me
To be
An awesome CivicSparky

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