CivicSpark Great Story

Letter to Self

July Great Story by Sarah Huang, 2017-18 Greater Los Angeles Climate Fellow

The feeling that tend to come with the end of anything are often bittersweet. It felt strangely nostalgic being back in the same hostel in Sacramento both for orientation and graduation. The people who were all once strangers almost a month ago are now friends and family. and when I finally returned home, I read the letter I had written to myself 11 months ago, which I had completely forgotten about, and was quite surprised by the optimism and wisdom of past Sarah.

“Since the specific project you’re working on is more focused on health and the community impact on the local population, I hope you use this opportunity to address other important issues like the homelessness in Los Angeles, the intersection of environmental justice and reproductive justice, and the overall influence of privilege.

(Remember) you are a proud environmentalist and public servant. You are a sensitive and often introspective being. Your story is unique and deserves to be heard. So with all that you’ve learned and gained from this experience, go forth and be the change you wish to see in this world. Because I believe in you.”

Times like this remind you how there are certain parts of you that are integral to who you are and never change, but there are also so many parts of you that will inevitably change as you grow and develop as a person. It really allows you to reflect on the past and look excitedly toward the future.

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