[FILLED] Tulare County Forest Health Resilience Programs and Fire Adapted Communities

Host: County of Tulare Resource – Management Agency
Openings: 1
Project Focus: Disaster Response and Preparedness / Emergency Management (e.g., flood prevention, wildfire prevention, coastal protection), Ecosystem / Habitat Conservation / Biodiversity Protection, Fire Adapted / Firewise Communities
Skills Needed: Community Engagement, Project Management, Community Outreach, Wildfire Recovery / Home Hardening,

Remote or On-Site Placement


Service Needs & Plans

The County of Tulare continues to develop resource capacity through a number of forest health activities by collaborating with local, state, federal, nonprofit, and community agencies to develop sustainable efforts that fosters prepared resources and services that benefit underserved wildfire prone communities and County stewardship of Balch Park.

1. Organizational Capacity Needs:

A. Enhance resource capacity by collaborating on more appropriate and effective responses through community outreach opportunities e.g., create Firewise communities, streamline educational and media marketing to enhance community knowledge base, and to help maintain a pipeline of projects and data compilation.

B. Enhance project capacity by creating simple GIS maps, update of the Forest Health website, and collaboration of educational presentations to the public.

2. Environmental:

A. The project will address Disaster Response and Preparedness through the creation of Fire Adapted/Firewise Communities, provide streamlined educational and media marketing for wildfire response to fuel reduction projects, safe ingress/egress transportation corridors, and evacuation routes.

B. The project will address sustainability impacts of Climate Change on ecosystem, habitat conservation, and biodiversity due to previous years of wildfire, wildfire suppression efforts, and historic flooding in Balch Park (In Mountain Home State Park) which have led to park closure. The landscape is marred by wildfire, pond basins have seen an over accumulation of debris, and a dam washout which have resulted in unsustainable habitats.

Project Description

1. Overarching goals of the project

To develop resource capacity through a number of forest health activities by collaborating with local, state, federal, nonprofit, and community agencies to develop sustainable efforts that fosters prepared resources and services that benefit underserved wildfire prone communities and County stewardship of Balch Park. The overall intent of the program is to encourage local solutions for wildfire safety at the community level.

2. Role of the Fellow in the project

A. The Fellow will collaborate on more appropriate and effective responses through community outreach opportunities e.g., create Firewise communities, streamline educational and media marketing to enhance community knowledge base, and to help maintain a pipeline of projects and data compilation. The data gathered will inform the community and the County on the best practices utilized and allow for conclusions to set future priorities and goals.

B. The Fellow will create simple GIS maps, update the Forest Health website, and collaboration of educational presentations to the public.

3. Desired project outcomes in terms of resources developed:

A. Create a collaborative network of agencies and communities to create Firewise Communities.
Outcome: A recognition certification of the community being Firewise by CalFire. A repository of identified agencies.

B. Streamline education and media marketing to enhance community knowledge base.
Outcome: A repository of educational and media materials for easy distribution.

C. GIS Map and Update Forest Health Website
Outcome: Create Project Maps and Finalize Forest Health Website with scheduled web updates.

D. Maintain a pipeline of Project and data compilation.
Outcome: A repository of projects and data identified by conceptual, design, planning, and Implementation.

4. How these resources will help increase the agency’s capacity to address the resilience challenges: The desired projects will increase agency capacity by creating a framework of policies, programs, and partnerships that increases equity on forested lands. It will also strengthen partnership approaches to strategy by building a collaborative approach to stewardship investment within a changing climate.

Desired Skills Organization & Workplace Highlights

Tulare County Resource Management Agency has approximately 270 combined regular and extra help employees supporting a variety of programs through Administration, Planning, Inspections, Building and Housing, Surveyor, Environmental Planning & Special Projects, Public Works, Economic Development and Grants. The diverse workforce enhances our organizations thoroughness and ability to create an environment of respect, fairness, and cultural competence. The Fellow will experience confidence in bringing new ideas from a Novice viewpoint and will walk away from an enriching diverse perspective of values that will shape positive cultural fluency in its commitment to create healthy communities.

Community Highlights

Tulare County is divided into five (5) supervisorial districts and is a steward local government agency who shares responsibility in creating healthy pathways for communities to live and thrive in our region. Each mountain community has unique characteristics that is nestled in rugged landscapes with cultures and traditions providing a snapshot into its history. The charm and slower pace life fosters a strong sense of family in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. There are noticeable interruptions of climate change impacts signaling a need for Fellow assistance in helping to create resilient communities to carry on the distinct ambiance of yesteryear that the public may experience in working, playing, and living in our region.

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